Cardinal Senior Living

Dining Experience


Full-service dining experience including 3 home cook meals every day (breakfast, lunch, dinner), developed by a licensed dietitian, using local produce and meats

Dietary Oversight

Eating a well-balanced diet is  important to living a healthy life. Maintaining a healthy weight and staying energized are the results of getting the daily nutrients you need. A healthy diet can also lower your risk of developing chronic health conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes.

According to the National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Aging, 1 in 4 older Americans has poor nutrition. Malnutrition puts you at risk of becoming overweight or underweight. It can weaken your muscles and bones. It also leaves you vulnerable to disease.

To meet your nutritional needs, eat foods that are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Limit foods that are high in processed sugars, saturated and trans fats, and salt. You may also have to adjust your diet to manage chronic health conditions.

At Cardinal Senior Living our Dietitian oversees  each residents diet and alters their nutrition based upon their medical condition and individual needs.